
Report Template:

Please try to include as much information as you can. We will deny reports if we do not have enough to work with.

Thread title: Short answer to the question "Who and what?" (Example: Bob pushed me off the roof)
Offender`s SteamID: Use "!steamid name" ingame or find it via
Date and time of incident(s): Necessary to check the logs to confirm your report. Give it your best estimate.
Explanation: Explain the situation to your best knowledge.
Evidence: If the logs aren`t sufficient to confirm the report, video or screenshots may help.
You can view the community rules here.

Appeal Template:

Sometimes a ban or demote is handed out unjustly, too severely or caused by a misunderstanding. If you believe this is the case, you can appeal against it.
Please try to include as much information as you can. We will deny appeals if we do not have enough to work with.
You can repost a denied appeal if you have more information to add.
Note: If you weren`t banned or demoted but are constantly unjustly punished by any other means (e.g. noodle, nonail, anything that lasts only one round) then you can report it as moderator abuse but an appeal would have no effect.

Thread title: Short answer to the question "Who and what?" (Example: Bob`s ban appeal)
Ban/demote explanation: What you did what you think caused your ban or demote.
Grounds for appeal: Why you think the ban or demote was or is no longer justified.
Counterevidence: Incident timestamps (to check logs), videos, screenshots, anything to help your cause if you have it.
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